As SUN focal point, the government has a role in leading, initiating and facilitating The National Movement on Acceleration of Nutrition Improvement in Indonesia. Government ensure the involvement and coordination between all key sectors responsible for implementing specific and sensitive nutrition interventions. In 2020, there have been 25 ministries/ institutions that joined this movement. SUN Government Focal Point is the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas. Read More
Development partners support and strengthen the government in leading The National Movement on Acceleration of Nutrition Improvement, especially in the areas of planning, development, and policies implementation by developing improved models. Development partners led by UNICEF and the World Bank as their vice. Read More
The business networks play an essential role in the development, quality control, distribution and marketing of adequate nutritious foods under applicable laws and regulations. Besides, business networks also implement workforce nutrition through the application of healthy lifestyles in the work environment and community empowerment through the implementation of specific and sensitive nutrition interventions. PT Indofood Sukses Makmur is the lead of SUN Business Networks. Read More
Civil society organizations play an essential role to advocate nutrition issues. CSOs also provide technical and financial support to local governments for developing their capacity on managing the nutrition-related program in their areas. Nutrition International leads SUN CSO Networks with Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah as its vice. Read More
Universities and professional organizations contribute by providing input based on scientific studies and research around stunting. Thus, interventions developed by the government can be evidence-based and suit the Indonesian context. SUN Academia Networks led by the Nutrition Department FKM UI together with the Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic II Jakarta and the Association of Indonesian Nutritionists (Persagi). Read More
Sekretariat SUN Indonesia