Cegah Stunting

How to Avoid Stunting for Pregnant Women

Anemia is one of many pregnancy problems that needs to avoid so that the babies can grow healthy and free from stunting. Anemia is a serious condition. Your body needs iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to your baby. Know what you can do to avoid it.

  1. Eat more food with folate and iron

Foods that rich in folate and iron are found in avocado, spinach, beef, or beans. These help to get enough to meet its needs to prevent anemia. Folate make healthy blood cells.

  1. Take vitamin and iron supplements

Puskesmas and Posyandu provide Iron supplement (Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD)). TTD helps pregnant women to get enough iron intake.

  1. Seek advice from medical professionals

Pregnant women need to monitor their pregnancy. To make it easier, you can contact their nearest Puskesmas to get checked.

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