SUN Indonesia Annual Meeting 2019 was the national event to share the knowledge and learn the innovation and best practices among stakeholders and discuss the challenges and efforts for the improvement in the future. This event was attended by approximately 600 participants representative from 23 ministries/institutions, sub-national government from 34 provinces, district government, donor and UN agencies, civil society and interfaith organizations, business sectors, experts, universities, and professional organizations.
This event was opened by opening remaks and keynote speech from The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs and The Minister of National Development Planning. In his speech, The Coordinating Minister said that it was important to address the stunting through developed excellent, advanced, and competitive human resources. Therefore, coordination across sector and stakeholders must be done effectively in the national level up to village level.
In his direction, The Minister of National Development Planning pointed that budgeting on program and activities in the line ministries/institutions must be based on keen and clear intervention and target. Three main points mentioned by The Minister related to implement the stunting reduction program effectively through improvement of : (1) coverage, clear target must be established, not only the percentage but also the the exact target; (2) quality, intervention must be according to the the standard and acceptable by all targets; and (3) compliance, ensure the interventions received by all targets, for example the iron folic acid tablets must be consumed by pregnant mother for 90 days.
The event continued with talkshow “Multistakeholders Collaboration for Stunting Reduction” which invited 4 speakers who represent central and district government, business network, and expert: dr. Kirana Pritasari, MQIH (DG of Public Health, Ministry of Health), Ir. H. Herwin Yatim, MM (Regent of Banggai), Axton Salim (Co-Chair of the SUN Global Business Networks Advisory Group), and Prof. Fasli Jalal (Rector of YARSI University).
In addition, SUN Indonesia Annual Meeting 2019 also facilitated the networks to share their knowledge and experiences based on success story and best practices on stunting reduction through paralell session in 4 (four) topics: (1) responsible bussiness; (2) social mobilization and community empowerment; (3) leveraging partnership for results; and (4) academic roles in assisting the regional stakeholders. The results of the paralel session were presented by the lead of each SUN networks on panel discussion “Challenges and Recommendations to Strengthen Collaboration among Networks in the Future”.
In this event, Ministry of National Development Planning also launched the prototype of national health database which supported by Unicef. SUN Indonesia Annual Meeting 2019 ended by epilog and wrap-up session from Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, M.Si (Vice Rector of Bogor Agricultural University) about “What we learned from SUN Indonesia Annual Meeting 2019” and Dr. Ir. Subandi, M.Sc (Deputy Minister for Human and Societal Development, and Cultural Affairs/SUN Government Focal Point) about “What we do the next” on strengthening the collaboration across sector and convergence the program that support for stunting reduction in the future.
Indonesia and SUN Movement
Since 2011, The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has become the one of 61 countries who joined in the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement that initiatied by the United Nations. As a part of commitment in the SUN Movement, GoI issued the Presidential Decree No. 42/2013 about The National Movement on Acceleration of Nutrition Improvement which focus on 1.000 first days of life period. This movement in line with the national priority on the acceletation of stunting reduction on The National Medium Term Development Planning (RPJMN) 2015 – 2019 and 2020 – 2024.
Ministry of National Development Planning has coordinating multistakeholders effort on nutrition improvement through strengthening the SUN networks. Currently, Indonesia has 5 SUN networks consisting of 23 ministries/institutions, 29 companies, 29 civil society organizations, 11 universities and 13 professional organizations, 11 donors and UN agencies, and media.
Ministry of National Development Planning, who also as the SUN Government Focal Point, has conducted Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Indonesia Annual Meeting 2019 on December 20th, 2020 in the Double Tree Hotel Jakarta with the topic “Working Together for Stunting Reduction”. This topic describes the acceleration of stunting reduction in Indonesia which need multisectoral efforts that integrate all stakeholders through program coordination and consolidation in the national, sub-national, up to village level.
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