Indonesian Health Database Training Participants and Trainers

The Indonesian Health Database ( is a database that shows health and development indicators through simple and easy-to-use data visualization. The database was developed by Directorate of Public Health and Nutrition Bappenas together with UNICEF. This comprehensive database aims to help policymakers and the public to understand the current health situation. It also supports continuous monitoring and informs action needed toward Indonesia’s medium-term development plan (RPJMN/D) and SDGs target.

Indonesian Health Database Training was held on 5-7 February 2020 at Mason Pine Hotel, West Bandung. It aims to build the capacity of Bappenas staff in using, managing, and maintaining the dashboard. Updating the data is critical to ensure the information available for the decision-making process in government.

The training participants came from not only the Directorate of Health and Nutrition but also the Directorate of Higher Education, Science and Technology, the Directorate of Family, Women, Children, Youth and Sports (KPAPO) as well as representatives from the Center for Data and Information (Pusdatin) Bappenas.

Indonesia Indonesian Health Database Training Participants

During this training, stunting data were used for exercise and practice. Stunting is one of the national priority issues. In 2018, one out of three Indonesian children suffer from stunting (Riskesdas, 2018). The President mandated the target of stunting reduction to become 14% by 2024. Therefore, regular monitoring and evaluation are vital to ensure stunting reduction policies and programs are on the right track.

Display of the Stunting Dashboard at Indonesian Health Database

Besides being introduced to the features of the database, participants also learn about database management. It includes data cleaning, data uploading and choosing visual display to show on the interactive map. Participants also learn how to use Microsoft Excel effectively for database purposes on the third day. At the end of the training, participants will be able to use the data on the dashboard for their daily work needs.

Access the Indonesian Health Database through
