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How to Avoid Stunting for Pregnant Women

Anemia is one of many pregnancy problems that needs to avoid so that the babies can grow healthy and free from stunting. Anemia is a serious condition. Your body needs iron to make more...

The Importance of Childhood Parenting Education and Counseling for Parents

Good parenting plays an important role in stunting prevention. Parenting is closely related to the behaviour and habits practiced by family members. For example during pregnancy, mothers are encouraged to eat nutritious foods, pay...

Collaboration to Overcome Stunting: The Role of Bappenas and SUN in Handling Malnutrition...

According to data collected, as high as 37,2 percent or around 8,9 millions babies suffer from stunting (Riskesdas, 2013). In 2016, this prevalence goes down to 33,6 percent or around 8,1 millions babies (Sirkenas)....

Nutritious Food for 6+ Months Old Babies

Breastfeeding is very beneficial to optimised babies growth. Breastfeeding is necessary to be given to babies from birth to 6 months old, even it is better until they are 2 years old. A small...

The Importance of the Golden Period of 1000 First Days for The Growth and...

From all of the life cycle, the most crucial period for the growth of a child is the period of 1000 first day of Life (Hari Pertama Kehidupan/HPK), which is since the child in...

Tips to Fulfill Nutritional Intake so That Stunting May Be Solved

The main cause of stunting is low nutritional intake as well as infectious diseases. When nutritional intake is fulfilled — as well as clean sanitation and adequate water availability — it is common for...

How Important Is Sanitation In Preventing from Stunting

It's common for stunting to be closely related to recurrent infections. Repeated infections that occur in a long time can be a trigger factor for stunting. The incidence of infection is closely related to...

Do Not Fear! Infant Services Open During COVID-19 Pandemic

Posyandu and Puskesmas services are vital for pregnant and breastfeeding women, further these services help mothers to prevent their babies from stunting. However, during COVID-19 pandemic mothers are advised to be more careful to...

How to Avoid Stunting for Pregnant Women

Anemia is one of many pregnancy problems that needs to avoid so that the babies can grow healthy and free from stunting. Anemia is a serious condition. Your body needs iron to make more...

The Danger of Stunting

Malnutrition, in a long period of time, can lead babies to suffer from stunting. Stunting is dangerous in anyone’s lifetime. This occurs because a prolong malnutrition since birth that can cause the failure of...

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